Programs Offered 24/25
Tiny Tots
- Must turn 2 by 12/1
- Class times: Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday 9am-11am
- PM option: Monday & Thursday 1130am-130pm
Busy Bees
- Must turn 3 by 12/1
- Class times: Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday 9am-1145am
- Optional STEM day: Wednesday 9am-1145am
- PM option: Tuesday & Friday 12-245pm, optional STEM day on Wednesday
- Must turn 4 by 12/1
- Class times: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9am-12pm
- Optional STEM day: Wednesday 9am-12pm
Creative Connection
- Must be ages 2-5 by 12/1
- Class times: Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday 1115am-1215pm
- Activities: 20 minutes of hands-on projects/art, 20 minutes of music and movement, and 20 minutes of outdoor play
- Open to current students, new students, and homeschool families
Woodside Explorers
- Must be ages 4-8 by 12/1
- Class times: Monday & Wednesday 1230-3pm & Friday 9am-12pm
- Curriculum: Combines language, literacy, math, and science with hands-on learning inspired by the LiteraSCI curriculum
- Themes include but are not limited to: “Animals in the Neighborhood,” “How Things Move,” and “Light, Shadows and Reflections”
Programs Offered 25/26
Tiny Tots
- Must turn 2 by 12/1/25
- Class times: Monday & Wednesday OR Tuesday & Thursday 9am-1130am
- PM option: Monday & Wednesday OR Tuesday & Thursday 12pm-230pm
- Optional Creative Connection day: Friday 9am-1130am OR 12pm-230pm
Busy Bees
- Must turn 3 by 12/1/25
- Class times: Monday & Wednesday OR Tuesday & Thursday 9am-1145am
- PM option: Monday & Wednesday OR Tuesday & Thursday 12pm-245pm optional STEM day on Friday
- Optional STEM day: Friday 9am-1145am OR 12pm-245pm
- Must turn 4 by 12/1/25
- Class times: 3 days (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) 4 days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) 9am-12pm
- Optional STEM day: Friday 9am-12pm
Creative Connection
- Must be ages 2-4 by 12/1/25
- Class times: Friday 9am-1130am OR 12pm-230PM
- Activities: Hands on, child led projects, music and movement, dramatic play, sensory exploration, letter themes
- Open to current students, new students, and homeschool families
Woodside Explorers
- Must be ages 4-8 by 2/1/26
- Class times: 2 days (Monday & Wednesday), 3 days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), 4 days (Monday-Thursday), 5 days (Monday-Friday) 1215pm-245pm
- Curriculum: Combines language, literacy, math, and science with hands-on learning inspired by the LiteraSCI curriculum (locally developed at University of Rochester)
- Themes include but are not limited to: “Animals in the Neighborhood,” “How Things Move,” and “Light, Shadows and Reflections”
- Open to current students, new students, and homeschool families