Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
*Optional STEM Day Available on Wednesday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Pre-K Learning Objectives:
• Create a FUN school environment so the Pre-K students look forward to coming! We want your child to look forward to school, both this year and beyond!
• Learn our school routine and how to sit appropriately with self-control at circle time (with increasing duration as the year progresses)
• Develop our social and friendship skills
• Increase our independence in preparation for kindergarten
• Work on recognizing and writing our own names the kindergarten way through daily attendance, name puzzles and other activities
• Work on utilizing a proper grip when holding a writing utensil
• Practice our cutting skills!
• Utilize a variety of art materials including glue sticks, markers, crayons, dotters, stamps/stamp pads, water colors, paints, etc.
• Use those art supplies appropriately to make projects that require remembering and following multi-step directions
• Develop our fine motor skills through writing, cutting with scissors, and playing with toys such as playdoh
• Implement imaginative play
• Introduce all upper and lowercase letters (with an emphasis on writing)
• Introduce numbers 1-20 (with an emphasis on writing 1-10)
• Introduce seasons, days of the week, and months of the year
• Introduce literature-based units that focus on story elements (who, what, when, where, and why)
• Go on fieldtrips
Your child must be age 4 by December 1